Studio.News. 06: Picture This.


Evocative Portraits are the result of recognizing that faces convey your brand, gain trust and convey professional standing while letting your company shine.

Elevate Your Brand. Portraits give a far greater sense of the personality of the individual and, by extension, the values of your company. People want to “see” the person with whom they will be working.

Professional Portraits. Training and creative talent make the difference. The attention professional portraits garner for the company is poignant and powerful. The results can be dramatic, beautiful, fun and trust building.


Lawrence Wants you to Fire Your Secretary.


"Face It. Your company deserves great portraits. Your face is the first impression your customers get of you. Don’t let just anyone in your company take the pictures. Let your secretary off the hook and hire a professional.

If your company portraits are beyond two years old, that’s too old. You need to refresh and renew. Book now for new faces."

Say Cheese.



Need a Los Angeles architectural photographer, call 310-391-1199
Need a San Francisco architectural photographer, call 415-964-9793


Studio.News. 07: The Future is Now.


Studio.News. 05: New Perspective