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Studio.News. 05.22: Pandemic Social Space
It’s June, 2020. The lockdown drags on. Life sucks. Then… my phone rings.
“I feel like I’m dreaming!” Lawrence sounds like caffeinated sunshine. At the top of his lungs, Lawrence beams: “WE HAVE A SHOOT!”
This is the best, loudest news in months. His gleeful tone, though, takes a sudden turn. “There’s just one problem… We have no models.”
Studio.News. 04.22: There are a LOT of Moving Parts.
The lights are all motion activated and all eight floors of this dorm need to stay lit for thirty minutes while we capture the morning twilight shot. But they only stay lit long enough to run through half the building. So I’m racing floors one to seven, and Chase is sprinting eight through fifteen.
Studio.News. 04: Energetic. Informative.
Bold and Engaging Motion Video is the result of creative partnerships and great experiences.