Studio.News. 08: Captivating Behind the Scenes


Behind The Scenes (BTS) communicate your story as you capture it.

Companies use BTS in a variety of ways—from educating their viewer about what it takes to get a great shot to creating a deeper understanding for the scope of a project while communicating the company’s ambition to always go the extra mile for their brand.

Use it for Documentation. The smartest way to keep the heart and purpose of each project.

Use it for Social Media. Utilizing the sharing networks to explore your brand and projects.

Use it for Internal Marketing. The strongest way to support your team as they tell the world about you and your work.

Make BTS videos and photography for all your projects.


IMHO, BTS is an LAS Specialty You’ll Want ASAP

Translation: In my Humble Opinion, Behind the Scenes is a Lawrence Anderson Studio specialty you’ll want As Soon As Possible.


"I have been supplying different kinds of BTS for many years. I love BTS. My clients and their clients love BTS. The world at large can be pulled into all our stories with evocative and engaging BTS video. It’s a secret story.

Behind the Scenes is where each project’s story unfolds and where all your team players are brought to life. Here we work to tell those stories to inform your audiences.

Most of my clients love BTS for the extreme and detailed documentation it does. All our company influencers love BTS for their social media with its dramatic power to engage audiences. And all of our businesses live to motivate and stimulate our marketing teams with amazing stories of how we captured details and characters that build our brands.

Be sure to add BTS video and photography on every one of your shoots. It will make the difference in profits, new clients and a very motivated staff."

Let’s tell your behind the scenes stories now. #yourbtsasap


Studio.News. 09: Engaging Social Space.


Studio.News. 07: The Future is Now.